Special Controllers
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- Astro Switch
- Fire Damper Controller
- Equipment Protection Device
Astro Switch

Fire Damper Controller

Equipment Protection Device

- Works on Astronomical principles
- Accepts longitude and latitude data to determine location of astro-switch on earth
- PC connectivity through adapter to program the data
- Data retained in non-volatile memory
- One time programming at the time of installation
- Monitors fire damper position
- Monitors air temperature in ducts
- Switches off AHU and closes fire damper in case of alarm from smoke detector/BMS
- Connects to external fire alarm system
- Continous monitoring of fire damper position
- Alarm-mute input
- Manual reset to prevent automatic restart
- Built-in time-delay to filter unwanted alarms
- Accepts feed-back from flow-switch, NO contact, etc
- Preventing dry-running of pumps